Tuesday, September 18, 2007

Sexiness? Let us consider.

The word of Rome: Sex (or so Gilbert would have us believe). I was thinking about this and then it occurred to me, my sexiness might have experienced a net increase during my residence in Rome. Hear me out -
Matt’s reaction to Rome: buy cologne, purchase awesome leather bag. Two big additions, right? Not only that, but my hair has gotten longer, which I will add as a sexiness increase. So, all in all, I’m doing pretty well, right? I smell and look better – that’s two of five senses. Good stuff.
Of course, I’m still restricted by other attributes, perhaps most prominently my wardrobe. Sitting around the Rome Center and remembering moments from earlier in the program, I realized that Shawn has twice burned me on clothing issues, as well as once by the Rome center girls.
1st Shawn burn: “I’m getting pretty darn sick of that brown shirt, Matt.”
2nd Shawn burn: “You can’t pull of a leather jacket.”
Rome Center Girls burn: “Matt, do have a second pair of pants besides the brown corduroys?”
I do, in fact, have a second pair of pants, but that is beside the point, the point being that I may have experienced a net sexiness increase after having lived in Rome. That would be a great souvenir to bring home, right? Sexiness? That’s good stuff. I’m sure Johanna will appreciate it. Is it possible that once I’m home and surrounded by the other 10 Ts and 4 pants I will be an unstoppable sexual force of as yet unseen potency?
Personally I doubt it, but it’s interesting to ponder this development toward a better Matt(hew).
Now that the first floor wireless is repaired I can finally post things, this is a celebratory post. Please celebrate.

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